Information about the conduct of health awareness sessions and camps is widely canvassed by Priyadhar well in advance. These sessions and camps are organized in coordination with the community keeping their time and other constraints in mind. Through these activities, Foundation ensures that such programs reach maximum number of people.
General and specific health awareness camps with focus on diseases like Dengue and Chikungunya, eye, ear, dental problems, HIV/AIDS, H1N1 (Swine Flu) have been organized at all Foundation locations. Awareness programs on Ante-Natal and Post-Natal Healthcare, Reproductive Child Health etc., are also conducted.
There has been regular involvement of District Health and Education Departments in these programs. Foundation also collaborates with NGOs to conduct the health awareness programs in the villages
Child-to-child and child-to-community strategies have been adopted in some places to spread vital health messages. For example in Haliyal and Ramdurg, Children were trained on Tuberculosis with the help of Medical and Health Department and these children in turn are encouraged to spread the message through presentations, special games and plays devised for the purpose. Some youth are also trained as DOT providers in association with Health Department.
Positive Deviance / Hearth approach has been adopted in some places to address malnourishment in 0-5 year age-group children. Under this approach, the positive deviants (families with well-nourished children) are identified to understand the unique behaviors that enable them to outperform their neighbors and this wisdom is shared with the families with malnourished children through well designed nutrition Hearth education programs.
To sensitize pregnant and lactating women on maternal and child health and to reduce women and infant mortality rates, Priyadhar conducts health awareness camps for them and runs Nutrition Centers in some locations providing nutrition supplements and health check-ups.
we conduct Awareness programs regarding Feminine Hygiene, Cleanliness, Health awareness please contact us